Taking the train from
Osaka to Wakayama is like taking a trip through a Studio Ghibli filmography.
Buildings and highways
are quickly replaced with rice fields and mist shrouded mountains. You pass the old house and forested hill
where you know Totoro is sleeping soundly.
You snake along the coast, your eyes locked on the surf, looking for
Ponyo racing along with you. Another
turn reveals a stretch of beautiful coast hemmed in by dark green mountains. Reluctantly turning away from the vast
expanse of the ocean, you glance inland to see if you can spot the flags of Coquelicot
Manor, Umi’s home. Your gaze flows uphill toward the forested
peaks behind. You wonder if you
got off the train at the next stop and wandered these beautiful mountains if
you could find Chihiro’s gateway. Maybe
another day. The train pulls away from
the coast, back toward the countryside, where scarecrows dot the gardens, and
you wonder if any of them have a turnip for a head.
The train speeds on and soon you have reached your destination. You must leave the world of Ghibli behind,
but not too far. Totoro’s mountains are
just a few steps outside your door, after all.
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