As I was lying in bed last night, it struck me - in ten days I
will be stepping on the plane and starting an amazing journey to a new world.
Panicked, heart racing, I started to think about some of the things I
might not see/do/eat for a while. The list started getting long and
Some things I will miss:
-Beef. Where I live there are more cattle (and sheep) than people. I am really going to miss a large, medium-rare steak. And burgers. And pot roast on a fall evening... As a Texan whose in-laws raise cattle, it is very hard for me to think of a menu without beef. I might be able to scrape up enough yen to try a bite of Kobe beef, but it looks like I will be getting my carnivore on with pork or poultry for a while.
-A well-stocked pantry and freezers(s). Actually, having space to collect (read hoard) food, books, movies, or clothes at all. I have a lot of superfluous stuff. Maybe this experience will teach me to be more minimalistic.
-My 90’s style X-Men shirt. Also my Doctor Who shirt, Firefly shirt, and all my other favorite fandom shirts. Fifty pounds for one suitcase is really not enough! Perhaps I should view this as a chance to reinvent my style. My fashionista sister would probably approve. But how will anyone know how much of a geek I am?
-Working in the garden. Nothing beats the taste of fresh veggies you grew and nurtured yourself. Or your mother-in-law did because you seem to have a black thumb and can only succeed in growing cucumbers (which you absolutely hate).
-Fresh french bread from the farmers market. There is a girl that sells the best loaves. It is usually gone by the time I drive three blocks home.
-Lawnmowers driving up and down the street in front of my house.
-Being in the same or similar time zone as my family. No more calling just to say hi or because something surprising happened. No one wants a call at 2AM.
This fuzzy face-
this fuzzy face -
this fuzzy face -
most of all, this fuzzy face -
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